Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I cry

I cry for the ones who lost their lives.
I cry for ones who died for us.
I cry for the ones who defended their friends, and mates.
I cry for those who died for their faith. I cry for the women, men, and children.
I cry for our brothers, and sisters who go unnamed. For those who died for us to grow, I cry for. I cry for the ones who died in vain.
I cry for ones who where not our own, for now they are.
I cry for the Witches who have lost their lives so that we may have ours.
And I cry for the ones who were not Witches, but died as though they were.
I cry for all those lives lost from the burnning times to even now.
And I will cry until the death count stops rissing. For this was not war that kills us, it is hate. I cry, and maybe if more cry, the hate might just stop.

©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and The Coven of the Moon Goddess and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the express written consent of Elder RavenFire, and The Coven of the Moon Goddess

Return to the Craft

I have been away for afew days, as some of you can see. I think that being away from here as done me some good. It as clearned my mind of some dust. I know a lot of people think I am young, and don't know anything. Well, let me just say that when I tell you what I know, you are to busy trying to tell me I am wrong, to listen. My path is my own, and I am trying to tell people about it. I shut up, and hear what others have to say, even when I don't agree. We have Witches on here that don't even believe in a Deity, and I don't tell them how to do things. I take in what they have to say. But the monment I open my mouth about my path, that is different, I get shot down. I think instead of pointing out at is wrong, tell others what you believe, like I try to do. We don't learn very well when we are being told we're wrong. And incase I'm stepping on toes, tell me about your path, don't tell me I'm wrong about my path. I know my path better anybody else would. Just like you know your path better then I would. I wouldn't tell Garnder that he was doing his path wrong. That would be retarded. My path, and my history is taken out of text books. I don't state things about history out of my rear end. Anybody can learn how christians really spread their faith. But you have to dig. Heck, the history channel has a bunch of things about christians's dark past. And you can find it all over the net. And if you read the older bibles, and see the words for what they really say, you can see that christians past is truly dark. I understand some people want to remain blind to that, but the truth is the truth. And no, I don't give you the places where I got my info, because I have gotten it over the years. I've been dealling with the christian faith all my life, short yes, but I have been in the bible, and in the christian past. It is dark. The info on that is there. And the history channal is my sorce for a lot of info on the christian faith. For a long time, that was my faverot channal. And the Craft, I know the made up histoy, AKA the christian, and hollywood version. And I know my paths version. Each path as its own version. No path is the one right and true path. That is one thing that Silver RavenWolf says in Teen Witch, and also Broomstick, well she says that a lot of other times to. In fact, that is what is said in the 13 princables. I have read them, I think that maybe they should be posted, just for review. The Craft, is made up of many, many paths, and we should have the right to our own beliefs. That is what makes one a true Witch. A true Witch accepts the fact that the Craft is not the one right true way. In fact it is many, many true ways. Until one can accept that, they have a lot of learning to do. I have lived to many years in my short live to give ground now. I may be 22, but my spirital age is so much older. And I think more people need to accept that the path is a path of many truths. Not just one.

What is a Witch

What is a Witch? Ha! Ha! I know that one. A Witch is a woman who flies on brooms, and eats little children!!!!!!! LOL! No, a real Witch is a man, or a woman. The person you delivers your mail, could be a Witch. Oh yeah, a mail Witch! We are teachers, cops, firefighters, mother, fathers, we al everything that other people of other faiths are. We live as others do. We eat food, we sleep, we put our pants on the same as others do. So why all the whoo-whoo ding ding? Why do people think we are evil, and scary?? Simple. Christians of old wanted a religion they could blame all the bad, and "evil" things that happened in the world of that time. And what they did, was take all the Pagan holidays, and legends, and teak them to fit their "bible" story. Basically what Hitler did to the Jews and anybody else who was not a German, christians did to Pagans. Back then, more then 2,000 years ago I might add. Cuz if you read the bible it says gives the hint that the birth, and death of Christ took place only 2,000 years ago. So the clam the most christians make that the bible says the earth is only 2,000 years old, is sadly stupid. In fact, according to some bible scholars the bible says it is 4,000 years old. From GEN to REV. Now, a lot of texts were left out of the bible. The sacred sea scrolls, and when the bible was put together by the older Hebrews, they had taken some writings out due to lack of proof by some of the writers. The early history of the christian faith is very masked. Being translated from Hebrew to Greek, and then to old English, to our English. And then from that retranslated into only a few hundred more translated views. Now how does this fit into being a Witch? Keep reading. And not to mention the old testament was written by "Jews" Not that they were called that until mosses took them out of Egypt, really. Well some say the word Hebrew means Jew, and yet others have said different. I really don't care, I only know the history to defend Witchcraft. I not only need to know the Craft's past, but christians as well. So, when you have all these other versions out there, the words get twisted, and the meaning gets wow! All whoo-whoo! So not even the modern day christians don't even know about their true past. A past full of whoo-whoo! About their past, a dark past is there past. Why are we Witches hated? Because when all this started, we were the main religion back then. Not Witchcraft as the whole, but Pagans. So why were Witches pointed out as the evil ones? Well simple. As Witches we were the ones who were the peaceful ones. When they came and raged war on Europe, and others would fight. It is said Celtic warriors fault with passion to defend their right to be free. Druids fault with every might they could muster. Did they fight with swords, and spikes? Some. Remember anybody who was not a christian was deemed a "heathen pagan" And hunted down and killed if they did not turn to this new religion. Nobody would turn, at least not the true believers. Christians brought war with them all over Europe. They soon realized this was not the way to spread their "faith" Real rocket since huh? They left, to where they came from. They decided to single out one branch of Europe's religions that they could make evil. So They picked the ones who followed Diana. A Goddess who was a Witch. And then the line in the old testament were it was written "thou shall not suffer a criminal to live." Well you can guess what word was taken out, and what word was put in. Now this is the confusing part. There were Witches then, but not by that name. They were known as the followers, of Diana, who was a Witch. Now the christians said "Witch" as in Diana was the Witch, not her followers. It was not until later that we were known as Witches. Oh, now we have the reason why the followers of Diana were singled out. Now let's get creepy! Do you really know who Diana is? She is the Mother of the Witches. Yes that's right. For the followers of Diana were not Witches. They were learning the ways of nature, and ways to heal, and protect earth, and themselves. Witches however would need to be breed to have a different purposes . One that only Diana could bestow upon them. Diana was a Moon Goddess. A beautiful Goddess. She knew the only why to save her people, and the old ways was to create a more powerful force. A force that would bring the new threat down. Lucifer was the brother of Diana. He was a handsome sun God. He was the most beautiful God there was. Diana knew he would be the one to fulfill her plan. She needed both night and day to bring peace back. Lucifer was afraid of Diana. She was after all a Goddess of the night. So what she did was take the form of his cat. His beloved cat. His cat was just beautiful has he was. But Diana's animal familiar was a cat. All Diana had to do was ask his cat to do it. She than while he was in bed, had her way with him, simply put. And Araida was then born. Born of light, and of the night. Born of balance. True form. She was born unto a world of unbalance now. The christians had taken much of the Europe, and surrounding areas. Diana had told Aradia to go among the people, and teach them the way of Witchcraft. Teach them the law of Magick. Bring the people back to balance. Diana taut Aradia all the ways of Witchcraft. And all Magick. She taut her the art of healing, and poisoning. To curse, and remove a cures. To heal, and even harm. She knew that Witches would be hunted, and killed. So we had to know all the arts of Magick. For Magick was Not good, and not evil, it was how one used Magick. So Aradia had her new job. Go down, and save the people of earth. Lead them back to the Craft of the wise. Araida did this. She taut the slaves how to leave their masters, and the prisoners how to escape from jail. She taut the poor how to live off the land. And she told them, if they had need for anything to meet once a month under the full Moon, and ask our Great Mother, for she will provide. Aradia has come to save us from the oppressors. Aradia's decent on the world was a great one. She is a site to see. Long flowing hair, the deepest eyes you have ever seen. She walks with great pride in her Craft. She came down teach the people who have lost their way. Or rather was mislead. I say that due to how the christians got the people to turn from their ways in the first place. It was very good when you think about it. They came over, and turned the Gods of the people into devils. Did you know satan was never around until christians turned Lucifer into him. And they took Cernunnos a Celtic God, and made his image into satan. You see Cernunnos has a crown of horns. Deer horns. Big beautiful horns. And he himself was God of all the animals. And one other thing the christians did the was smart was take stories from the old religion, and teak them and make them stories about christ. And christians hated how the Craft treaded women. The Craft taut women as equal to men. Ya know how the christian path is such a male ego front. No female can be a leader, and a female God? Come on! That would be unthinkable! So the chirstians marched on. City by city telling the people their Goddess were evil, and their Gods were satan. And the Elders of these cities tried to keep these false christians out, but the young people believed their ways. The young, not knowing any better cast aside the Elders warnings. And soon the christian path was in control. The Elders, and High Priests, and High Priestess went into hiding, taking any followers they had with them. Aradia had no way of helping them. She tried to, but so many people now converted to christians. And the old ways were dieing. Diana could no longer sit and watch this, something drastic had to be done. So now we come to the answer. This is where we come in. The old ways are dieing. The Lord, and Lady can not stand to see their people, or their earth die any longer. They had to send more then just one person down there. A Goddess she was yes, but one was not enough. More had to go there. To each race, for each sex, and unto each religion they will be born. They will have the power to bend time, energy, and the will of the universe. They will know how to heal, protect, and harm. They will talk with the animals, and swim with the fish. The Moon shall be their guide. And if they need anything, they shall gather once in a month under the full Moon. And ask me, the Great Mother. They will be known as Witches. They will not be of man, nor of the Gods. They shall be of both. Both night, and day. They shall be the symbol of balance on the earth. And lead the people back to the old ways. And when the Lord, and Lady connected them to all that lived, they sent them on their path. Diana our Mother, Aradia or Queen, and the Lord, whatever names you all each of these, it is our duty to do these things. Heal, protect, and bring balance back to the world. Bring the Goddess back to mainstream religion. Bring the old ways back. We are Witches, not of man, and not of the Gods, were of both. Blessed be, Elder RavenFire

©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the express written consent of Elder RavenFire

The Walk

you walk along the path beside the ocean you hear the sounds of the sea. You sit beside the waves as they gently come to your feet. You notice that the sun is about to set. As the rays of gold, and red, and orange, and some pink are slowly fading away. You look past the sun. You see what others do not. A figure that stands tall in the sky. Just behind, and slightly above the sun. You are starring right at this figure. You see a kind gentle face. And the figure is coming closer. You see that the figure is a man. He is slowly moving towards you. You see he is above average build. He has on his head a crown of horns. You get up, you want to run, for you think it is the christian satan. But then you notice the horns are of deer. Big beautiful horns. And then you see his eyes, and they are red, green, blue, and yellow. The colors of all four elements of Earth. And on each side of him are three beautiful Deer walking with him. The sun as just set now, and the Moon is out. You feel a cool breeze. And the man, and his Deer are now right above you. He is pointing to your left, you look with wide eyes. You see the Moon, a bright white Moon. And then a glow starts to come down from that moon. It starts to break into a fog, and then as it comes down lower to you, it forms into a woman. A beautiful woman. With long Golden hair. And tan skin. She stands about 5 foot 6, or so. She smiles with a warm glow, and holds her hands out to greet you. You think you've seen her before. As you ponder you notice the man as come down by her side. They look lovingly into each others eyes. And they turn their eyes to you. You feel warm, and at peace.
"It is the call of the wild that drives us all" The man said"The Earth is yours to embrace." The woman says. "The wild animals will be your protectors." Again the man calls out, and the Deer are at your side. "You will protect them as well" The Woman speaks."Your can run with the beasts!!" The man yells! "And you can walk with them too." the woman laughs. "And speak with them as well." Said the man with a voice a little lower this time. "And use our gifts that we gave you at the time you where born." The woman calmly said. You stand in amazement, at the two of them. They stand just a few feet in front of you. The man is about the same height as the woman is. He is tanned as well. Good muscle mass. Hair that flows in the breeze. Brown hair in fact.
"I am the Goddess." she spoke with a tone that was soft and gentel. And looked at you with kind eyes. You feel such peace, and love from her.
"I am the God" He roars with a thundering clap! But yet still you see his smile and know he is playing with you. He starts to laugh with a kind laughter that fills you with joy, and you start to laugh too. All three of you fill the night with laughter, and love. At that moment the God is at your left, and the Goddess on your right. The God takes your hand, and then the Goddess takes your other hand. And The Lord and Lady as one voice say:

"Together we all walk as

©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and The Coven of the Moon Goddess and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the express written consent of Elder RavenFire, and The Coven of the Moon Goddess

The Moon

It is a cool night, around 11:00. You are walking alone, down a dark road. A warm calm breeze flows over your face, with a sent of lavender . You take it in. After a long stress filled day. It relaxes you. You feel an need to sit on the cool autumn grass. The coolness of it feels great on your back. You close your eyes, and take in the lavender sent, still in the air. The sounds of the night start to come to you as you become more one with the night. The birds singing, which you find to be very odd. They don't sing this time of night. But you just relax as they seem to be singing to you. You start to laugh, and notice a squirrel has just brushed agenized your leg. He stopped and looked at you for minute, or two. Isn't he so cute? then runs up the tree, waving his tail as if saying good-by. It's 11:30 by now, you know you should be getting home, but you don't wanna move just yet. The clouds are moving now. You can see a big, and bright Moon. It has been sometime since you looked at it. It is a little different this time. Closer, and bigger then you remember. You get up, and head for home. When all the sudden two cats are standing right in front of you. The prettiest looking cats you ever seen. You bend down to pet them, soft fur, and they seem to like you. You look around for a collar, you don't see any. You look behind you to see if anyone is looking, and you decide to take them. But you look back, and Their gone. and just above your head, in the sky, is the Moon. It looks as if it is only a few hundred feet above you. You shack your head, and rub your eyes. you can't believe it is so close. And what's this? There are two figures in the Moon. They are not to clear yet. But you focus your eyes on them more. Yes, you can see them better now. Two women. One has golden hair. It shines in the night, almost as radiant as the sun. It is so fair, it looks as if it is pure silk. And tan skin. Also looks to be pure silk. And blue eyes. So deep blue, you fall into then. And a white dress. Not a huge dress. It was simple. It was down to her feet. You can't make out her shoes, or even if she even has any. But the dress seems to simple for her. It is just white, and flows in the wind, just like her hair. And she in smiling. The other woman. She is taller, but not buy much, just a little. You see her as more Earthly. She seems more grounded. She also has tan skin. She is beautiful, like the other. But thins one shows more of a mother type look. She lets her hair flow past her shoulders, you see a greenish color dress, or maybe greenish brown. This one is harder for you to make out. You try to, but she seems to just be in the background. Just letting you know she is there. And then, they both smile at you, and the Moon gets smaller, and they fade with it. And you look at your watch, and it is only 11:05.
Blessed be, Elder RavenFire

©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and The Coven of the Moon Goddess and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the express written consent of Elder RavenFire, and The Coven of the Moon Goddess


As you sit on the floor, and close your eyes. Take in the world anoud you. The smell of the incense you lit before you sat down. Lavander. The smell fills your nose with peacful, relaxing air. You feel the breeze comming from the window, just slowly comming in. It glides over you enought to cool you. It is time to meet the Lord, and Lady you say to yourself. You think of what they feel like first. You think of the God, and his power, but kind touch. He fills you with a sence of strength you never felt. You also feel how much love he has for the Lady, and you trail off into what she feels like. She feels like love, and peace. You feel your heart fill with joy, and happyness. You feel them now. Now it is time to think what you feel. You picture the Lord, his body is bold, and tall. He is standing striat, with long brown hair. His head has the crown of horns the Lady placed on his head at the birth of creation. His skin is a golden tanish color. He stands with three Deer on each side of him, but slighty behind him. His eyes here a color of brown you never seen before. But deep they are. Now it is the Lady's turn. Feel the love into thought. The love is now a being. A woman of pure beautiy stands before you. She has golden hair, flowing in a cool breeze. Animals of all kinds are around her, the Lord, and you. And grass, and trees are around you now. She is fair skined, with blue eyes, deeper then any ocean. She is gracful in her stance. She is glowing with ligh around her. It is a site that over welms you. Pure fantisy, but yet it is so real. As they start to fade, and the thought turns back to a feeling, you relize that you now can see the Lord, and Lady anytime you want. Just meditate, and put the feeling into thought.

©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and The Coven of the Moon Goddess and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the express written consent of Elder RavenFire, and The Coven of the Moon Goddess
Sexism in the Craft
Balance? Where? I see none in this so called balanced religion. Do get me wrong here. No that’s not a typo. I said do, get me wrong. I went looking for information on Aradia Since I wanted to start my own family Tradition. And what do I see??? I find information on Aradia alright. On how she only came down to teach women the Craft. Not men! It was accurate. All but that part. I edited it, so it would be 100% right. Men tend to be crapped on in the Craft. Balanced?? Show me some. I see groups that sound great, and their for women only. I can see how they want to do that, and that’s fine. But when it comes down to shutting men out completely just for being men, how rude! I follow Aradia, but I don’t toss the God out. I honor Cernunnos. In my Coven there is no thought of difference if your male, or female. We accept both, as equals. I joined a yahoo group, and I was the only male. But the thing is, they did not know I was a male until I was there for 2 weeks. They all liked me, thought I had great ideas. Until the day they asked if my husband knew if I was a Witch. I told them I was a guy, and the next thing I know, I’m banned from the group. I send emails to Covens, and other groups wanting to reach out to other Pagans, most of them are women’s groups. Like this last group that is the Circle of Aradia. Do I expect to get an answer? No. I’m a guy wanting info about female groups. And after I sent the email I noticed on their site they didn’t seem male friendly. If the Craft is so balanced, then why do we have women’s groups that don’t allow men, and on that note, why are men so looked down on? Both are needed to create life. And don’t give me that life can now be created in tubes nonsense. Why can women take the man’s role in a ritual, but a man can’t take the woman’s role? Did the Lord, and Lady say that? Or is that just sexist bullcrap? Why? Tell me why? It should not be like this. The Lord, and Lady do not say these things. We are not in balance right now. Once we can mange the true balance, then we can call the Craft religion, as a whole balanced. But as a hole we are not. As separate beings we can be balanced, but not as a whole. I leave you with this thought: Are you in balance? If you’re a woman, Are you balanced? Do you know, and embrace your masculine side? But still have your feminine side? And if you are a man, do you embrace your feminine side? And still have your masculine side? And for both men, and women, do you accept both other men, and women? Or do you, look at them like they are weak, or under you? Do you? Do you? If you do, stop. Look at how the Lady, and Lord are. One is not higher then the other. Both are the same. They both need one another. They love one another. And we are their children. Loved by them, and protected buy them. Taut by them. And seen by them as equals. So let us not fight this battle of the sexes anymore. Let us come together as one religion. Many paths, but one people. Blessed be, one of the Lord, and Lady’s children.

©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and The Coven of the Moon Goddess and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the express written consent of Elder RavenFire, and The Coven of the Moon Goddess

The Harm none rule

It struck me the minute I sent this out
"To bless or curse with power friends or enemies (to do good or evil)".
And now this bringd up a very good point. What about the harm none rule? I think that now needs to be looked at under a fine tooth comb. And just already happend to have done that! I've spent days, and many hours thinging about the harm none rule. I, and many other Witches look at it this way:
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill, an it harm none, do what ye will.
Yes, well, you can't harm yourself now can you? And you can't let others harm you, can you? And of you see a person harmming another, will you just stand there and not do anything? If you said yes to any of these things: Yes I will harm myself, yes I will let others harm me, and yes when I see others getting harmed, I will take no action! Then you are in fact breaking the Harm none rule. It is not harmmimg someone of they are beating you to death. It is not harmming someone if they are beating a helpless person. We in fact are even here to protect the weak, and the helpless. that is why we are told about curses, and hexes. Because sometimes they are needed.
"To bless or curse with power friends or enemies (to do good or evil)".Do I think doing evil to evil is really evil? No. Not if what you are doing is protecting someone. Or yourself. Now if you do curse someone out of spite, or just because you don't like them, is evil. And to do so, you will get back what you send out three fold. Well, I also heard, seven, and ten fold to. Even when doing good, Karma works both ways. Whatever energy you send out, comes back to you, three fold, or seven, or ten. I have heard all three, and have yet to really find out which one it truly is. Maybe all three. But this is my take on hexes, and curses, and the Harm none rule.

©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and The Coven of the Moon Goddess and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the express written consent of Elder RavenFire, and The Coven of the Moon Goddess


I look at the world and what do I see? I see war, and blood, and all the things that I am fighting so hard to put behind me. I know in my past lives I fought in wars. I killed, and I did it for the right reasons. I fought for peace, and to defend my family, and my rights. But now all that is fought for is nothing. Bush says our troops fight for peace, and I say our troops fight for nothing, and die in vain! They fight not for our safty, or our peace, but for what bush wants. Bush says that we are in danger of being killed by these people. But what the hell did Irag really do to us? Not a damn thing! Ya know why our troops are getting killed? Bush is doing his dadd's work. His daddy was the one who fought for our safty. Irag was our enemy then. But George bush the first was not able to kill the Irag leader when he was in office. So he waited until his little son could run for office, and get it fixed so he would win. And it worked. And the american goverment knew that the twin towers would be hit when they did. That is little bush ran when he did. And it was all set up to make it look like irag was the one who did it. But america didn't plan the UN would want to check irag first, before they let america bomb it all to hell. Well the UN found nothing tieing irag with the twin towers, or any wepons of mass destruction. But bush had a mission, to finish what was started by big bush. And with the UN's go ahead, bush went to war anyway. And now in 2006, going on 2007 we are still in the war. Our men, and women, are still getting killed. Why? BUSH!!! He says day after day we will get our troops home, and then the next day he says, I want more troops sent to irag. Oh holy hell!!!! Can we please get him the hell outta here

©All rights reserved The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire,and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the express written consent of Elder RavenFire