Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Return to the Craft

I have been away for afew days, as some of you can see. I think that being away from here as done me some good. It as clearned my mind of some dust. I know a lot of people think I am young, and don't know anything. Well, let me just say that when I tell you what I know, you are to busy trying to tell me I am wrong, to listen. My path is my own, and I am trying to tell people about it. I shut up, and hear what others have to say, even when I don't agree. We have Witches on here that don't even believe in a Deity, and I don't tell them how to do things. I take in what they have to say. But the monment I open my mouth about my path, that is different, I get shot down. I think instead of pointing out at is wrong, tell others what you believe, like I try to do. We don't learn very well when we are being told we're wrong. And incase I'm stepping on toes, tell me about your path, don't tell me I'm wrong about my path. I know my path better anybody else would. Just like you know your path better then I would. I wouldn't tell Garnder that he was doing his path wrong. That would be retarded. My path, and my history is taken out of text books. I don't state things about history out of my rear end. Anybody can learn how christians really spread their faith. But you have to dig. Heck, the history channel has a bunch of things about christians's dark past. And you can find it all over the net. And if you read the older bibles, and see the words for what they really say, you can see that christians past is truly dark. I understand some people want to remain blind to that, but the truth is the truth. And no, I don't give you the places where I got my info, because I have gotten it over the years. I've been dealling with the christian faith all my life, short yes, but I have been in the bible, and in the christian past. It is dark. The info on that is there. And the history channal is my sorce for a lot of info on the christian faith. For a long time, that was my faverot channal. And the Craft, I know the made up histoy, AKA the christian, and hollywood version. And I know my paths version. Each path as its own version. No path is the one right and true path. That is one thing that Silver RavenWolf says in Teen Witch, and also Broomstick, well she says that a lot of other times to. In fact, that is what is said in the 13 princables. I have read them, I think that maybe they should be posted, just for review. The Craft, is made up of many, many paths, and we should have the right to our own beliefs. That is what makes one a true Witch. A true Witch accepts the fact that the Craft is not the one right true way. In fact it is many, many true ways. Until one can accept that, they have a lot of learning to do. I have lived to many years in my short live to give ground now. I may be 22, but my spirital age is so much older. And I think more people need to accept that the path is a path of many truths. Not just one.


Anonymous said...

No one is saying you can't believe what you want. What is being said (once again) is that you can't say that "all witches" or "all wiccans" believe something becasue that's not true. When you make sweeping generalizations like that and lump everyone together, THAT is when others start correcting you. And it's funny that at that point, you start screaming about how you are persecuted.

Anonymous said...

RavenFire, before you can 'return' to the Craft, you first have to have been *in* the Craft. You haven't. You aren't. And it's unlikely you ever will be.

Anonymous said...

One of the first things you need to accomplish as part of the craft is to love yourself. You are very angry and have miles to go here.

Anonymous said...

My immediate thoughts are the same as those already posted. What you have said here and in other forums and have since deleted (deleted here), tell me that you are young. Perhaps not young in age, but in your knowledge of the craft and other things associated with it. "Elder"? You are far, very very far from being an Elder.

"Look before you leap." Research, check and double check your findings and facts before you post them. Not doing so, not having valid facts before you "speak" ends up in exactly what you've been doing... posting crap. Hateful, negative crap.
You have major issues that need to be worked on. Negative, hateful issues. Why are you so angry?
Open your eyes and your mind. Start with that and go from there.

Everyones path is their own, the journey to that path is something that only you can experience. From what I've seen, I honestly don't think you know what you want or what direction you're going in.
I do know that the "path" you are currently taking isn't the right one.

Anonymous said...

Son, I'm not trying to tell you what to believe or accuse you of being wrong. I am concerned, however, that you claim to be representative of a larger body of people, namely Wiccans/Witches (not always the same thing, depending upon the speaker.) You claim the title "Elder," which would appear to give you some degree of authority upon which to speak for these people. Yet, your profile says you are under 25 years of age.

In most traditions, you have to have spent a considerable amount of time studying, practicing, and teaching in order to claim the title of Elder. Your tradition may not have that same requirement. However, it would behoove you in dealing with those of other traditions that you make clear that you speak as an Elder of your own tradition only.

I have spent over twenty years learning, practicing, and teaching in my tradition. I am just barely an Elder. I can assure you that you would not be an Elder in my tradition. And if you represent yourself as an Elder, able to speak on behalf of those who follow my tradition, you are misleading your readers.

Say what you wish. But do not try to put your words into the mouths of those who do not follow the path upon which you tread, the one where you are an Elder.

With that out of the way, I have another observation to make. You claim that the History Channel is a major source for your information about Christianity. That is all well and good but it is not a definitive source of anything. Have you seen their shows dealing with Witchcraft? Do you really think the way Christianity is portrayed there is any more accurate? Please, son, find yourself a better source than a TV network. (I don't even trust Food Network recipes, to be honest...)

I call you son, not out of condescension, but out of acceptance. In my tradition you would be a student and would be embraced by your fellows as a member of the family. I hope you can accept that in the spirit in which I write it.

Anonymous said...

Lord RavenClaw or Elder RavenFire
Make up your mind. Either way, you are no elder and most certainly no Lord. Except in your own mind or course. Dream on dude. And if you think for one second that Anyone thinks the two are seperate people... uuuummmmm you are soooo wrong.

Anonymous said...

So where did you "dig" for the "secret" information about the Christians?

Seriously...this is just ridiculous!